Queerness as Map & Medicine

Downloadable zine

Queerness as Map & Medicine shows how queerness is more than a quality of sex, gender and sexual orientation. It is a name for the vital force that refuses colonial separations to promote thriving life and ecological interbeing. This zine introduces four ‘queer medicines,’ or ways that queerness helps us center ancient wisdoms of living, loving and dying well in our spiritual-political practices and relations.

booklet version

A version that you can print out and fold into a booklet. Please note that the pages in this version are not in linear order. To download a version that you can read online, choose the ‘online version’ below.

online version

A version that you can read online. Please note that the pages in this version are in linear order. To download a version that you can print out, fold and read as a booklet, choose the ‘booklet version’ above.